Enter your mobile number or email address below and we’ll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Priced at $32.95 if you just want the buckle or with a Italian leather snap belt (in a variety of finishes) for an extra $24.95 for a total of $54.95, about one half the price of what competitors are selling it for and not available except as a package!italian design

Modern Italian design comes in many forms; the industrial and furniture aspects of it are Casa Design’s primary focus, but you’ll be hard pressed to find a furniture design aficionado who isn’t also in touch with fashion trends We wonder how elements of the Louis Vuitton Monaco Cruise Collection for 2015 will trickle into the world of interior design.

Here’s the link to my boards on Pinterest This scrapbook of ideas will give your designer pictures of the right parts and pieces to work into your design for an environment that will be what you are seeking. I then visited their directory of interior designers and searched through the numerous pages of designers with examples of their work. IDI is a family owned business that has been operating in the Boston Area for over 25 years with a wide experience in imported Italian contemporary furniture for any room in the house. We will post pictures and information of our newest furnishings created in our design studio from our upcoming trip to the Rappahannock River.

When the industry was open for the new design culture of the young designers, the wind was taken out of there sails. Historian and author Dr Grace Lees-Maffei unpicks Italy’s rich design history by choosing 15 key objects and projects across architecture, fashion, automobiles and product design. Some urban homes in Italy tend to be small, and interior designers try their best to allocate space, doors, colors and windows to give as much a semblance of open space as possible. The exhibition puts forth that female designers contributed to this industry-wide attitude shift. Women in Italian Design is part of the XXI Triennale International Exhibition , an event on art, design and architecture spread out over different locations in Milan. Some things you don’t — like sinking into a sumptuous Italian leather couch right in your own living room.italian design

Passion for glass and for its feature pushes our company to overcome the boundaries of crystal design furniture. The article used a table lamp from a line we represent here at Casa Design , the Phillippe Stark Miss Sissi lamp , as its example. Above: The Tripolina chair was originally designed by American inventor Joseph B. Fenby, then produced by the Viganò firm in Tripoli, Libya, for the Italian market. Still do not know if I will translate them in Italian or in English if you leave them, maybe they’ll both seen participating pupils of various ages.italian design