The Home and Garden show is jointly presented by Exhibition Park and the Lethbridge Home Builders Association. Your garden is also very much a part of you home and aside from what you plant in your garden to make your garden look stunning, there are also pieces of garden décor that can add a home décor theme that is fragrant, beautiful touch, and fits a certain category such as a Japanese garden, a Victorian garden or a garden with religious home décor themes to the beautiful garden you already have, or if you are just getting started designing your new garden.
At House and Garden he appointed a staff of 18 which included Leonie Highton , and later John Bridges, and three outstanding advisers: Elizabeth David (on food), Loelia, Duchess of Westminster (to discover unknown houses), and Olive Sullivan (on interior design).
If you’re tired of living in a home that has been built to accommodate large gatherings when most of the time only four or five people actually live in the home, you might find that garden homes provide a perfect way to fit your current and future lifestyle.
Proper rotation and use of disease-resistant varieties will help, but sooner or later the old garden spot becomes so full of various disease spores and nematodes that you cannot grow a good crop of many vegetables without use of special soil fumigants.
We will be running the workshop from 4:00- 6:00 pm on Earth Day, kids are free to drop by anytime between then to plant up their trees (the whole process will take less then 20 minutes from the start of the child getting there.) We ask that a parent or guardian remains at the store while the child is in the planting workshop, we also ask that parents remain with children under the age of 6 while they are planting their trees.