Milanese design company Eligo specializes in Italian craftsmanship via local cultures and traditions—from Sardinia to Liguria—and long-established Italian brands such as Scarperia and Berti (knives), and Busatti (fabrics). In the field of home interiors, modern design has found the ultimate means of materialising functionality, exemplified in Italan designers’ splendid sofas and famous armchairs or else in original room dividers. The garden is open to the public once a year, but designer Amanda Bunt has written a moving post to its many horticultural secrets here – Seend Manor I love the fact that it moved Amanda to tears.italian design

Not too far from the 144,6 and 19,7 meters of the italian variant of the FREMM frigates (the french ones are slightly shorter, as the italian ships are being lenghtened post-build by some 3,5 meters adding an additional section in the stern) which have a declared displacement of 6700 tons, sometimes indicated in more than 7000.

We bring you furniture and lighting ideas, houses everyone would dream of and luxury properties that defy the world crisis. The Casa Design Showroom has added new lighting from Shakúff The artists at Shakúff are interested in creating contemporary lighting fixtures that are also imaginative. It is a key example of how 1960s design experimentation came out of innovation in plastics technology. In many ways, the italian FREMM is a good comparison to Type 26: the italian navy is taking delivery of two variants, the General Purpose and ASW. Kjetil Fallan is associate professor of Design History at the University of Oslo. The modernity of the twentieth century pushed women’s design skills to the side-lines, where it has been virtually ignored by design historians and theorists.

In the meantime we are already working on some new furniture for next year’s Salone del Mobile, which includes: a new store design concept for a sunglasses retailer; a collection of electronic devices and accessories for the young Italian brand Tribe and some 3D-printed jewelry for Maison 203 The opportunity to work on different scales is the thing that we like the most, and gives us energy and curiosity.italian design

What: The unveiling of Contents’ showroom remodel, which features a 1,000-square-foot Italian apartment highlighting the country’s contemporary design trends, as well as a design presentation, artist demonstration, door prizes, wine tasting and nibbles.italian design