"Canada House Polishes Our Image"

RIO DE JANEIRO — One of the toughest tickets at the 2016 Olympics is an invitation to Canada House because most of the time the only people welcome there are Olympians, their kin and their friends. A military guard of honour will kick off an outdoor ceremony, and launch a series of multi-media entertainments for Canada Month in London, featuring celebrities, including photographer Yousuf Karsh, writer Margaret Atwood, director Robert Lepage and Egoyan.

Remember the culture of Canada has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom, so if you wish to become part of Canadian society learn to accept Canadian way and follow their rules and laws.

Plus throughout the sale and inspection the seller didn’t disclose many broken items like a 3500 awning that was broken and said they had someone coming to repair the patio but couldn’t give me a name…needless to say the said repair person never showed up. There appears to be efforts to hide important information.canada house

Canada is native land and the truth is natives are asians you white people dont belong here get OUT!not to forget other asiatic tribes were here when natives were here and before them ,none were white you white people need to go back to have authority on this land by far more than any whites do to be honest.

If you have a problem with Canada being white majority then I suggest you move to a country where you shade of skin colour is. If this doesn’t satisfy you then it’s probably because Canada has so much to offer you and you want to live off the benefits of the country like, you know, a leech.canada housecanada house