
Master Course In Product Design & Furniture At Istituto Marangoni (1)

Installazione interattiva dedicata a sei grandi designer italiani presentata all’interno della mostra curata dall’Atelier Mendini. The activities and products of every participating business establishment will be described on the dedicated website and on all project related promotional materials (such as brochures, posters, flyers, etc.) as well as advertised by our local media partners and through both, Italian Consulate’s and Italian Chamber’s websites and social media outlets.

The reference professional profile is an expert dealing with product development as well as with the industrialization process, operating since the concept design phase to the executive project and prototype building, taking care of aesthetic and functional aspects, within precise technological and economical boundaries.italian design

Welcome my friends, recently i wrote about American bedroom furniture classic designs and other article about White bedroom furniture for classic bedroom , i see these articles won a great number of visits, that demonstrates that classic and royal bedroom …

Master Course In Product Design & Furniture At Istituto Marangoni

The ITALIAN DESIGN SUMMER SCHOOL offers a unique opportunity to understand how the Italian tradition of Disegno” is still living in today’s industrial design project. Additionally, materials become smart: Arpa researchers develop FENIX NTM®, an innovative material for interior design applications, made with nanotechnologies. The Isetta epitomises the element of fun that is so often prominent in Italian design. Italian design is pleasing and fluid yet complex as well, being charged with emotion and filled with suggestiveness and unrest reflecting concerns expressed through the the media and world communication. Rachel Hazelton is an Interior Designer from Middleton, MA with design projects in Andover, MA, North Andover, MA, Lynnfield, MA, Boxford, MA, Topsfield, MA, Boston’s North Shore and throughout New England. Discover the creativity of the curricular projects realised by attendees of the master’s courses at the Istituto Marangoni Schools of Design. In reaching out to a global market, Molteni&C reissued …