An Internet Journal Of Jazz And Classical Music
With that stated, there must be one thing more to it, because of course music tastes have changed dramatically over time and can probably proceed to vary. So there must be one thing in people that also likes to be exposed to surprise as well as the familiar. KoiwiGal February 3, 2015 @Ana I consider they studied the human brain when listening to music and located that it tends to prefer music where the subsequent note or notes are predictable. Not that the complete track itself is predictable, however simply that it follows recognizable patterns to some extent.
Discover music to find your tracks and use tag filters for better results. Soundwaves is organized on the event of the 5th Anniversary of the Moody Center for the Arts and the tenth Art & Music Anniversary of James Turrell’s Twilight Epiphany Skyspace at Rice University. The exhibition is curated by Alison …