Cedar siding is becoming increasingly popular amongst homeowners, thanks to its durability and lightweight features. Another reason for its popularity includes its ability to withstand both dampness and insects. They are great for both indoor and outdoor use. If you are looking to increase the value of your home, cedar siding is indeed a great lovely addition. To get the most out of your cedar siding, you should consider repainting it – a task best handled by an exterior painting contractor well-versed in the painting industry.
When Should You Repaint Your Cedar Siding?
Cedar siding enhances the beauty of your home. To sustain the glow, property owners should consider repainting it since restoring a non-painted appearance can be difficult. No matter how durable or high-quality the paint is, wood cannot hold paint for more than five years. If it exceeds, then the wood will begin to exhibit signs of wear and tear.
Since peeling color makes your building old, the best and only option to restore its beauty is to repaint it. So, it is thus advisable to consider repainting your cedar siding every three to five years. It is also recommended to hire a professional exterior painting contractor to refinish your cedar siding. This way, you can rest assured that the best painting procedures are observed.
How to Get the Best Result
Using typical exterior paint will not get you the desired result and protection your cedar siding needs from harsh weather conditions. And since it has extreme pore size, cedar absorbs standard exterior paint quickly. This leaves the wood’s exterior covering in a thinner layer and prone to cracking, peeling, and other weather-related degradations.
For the best results when considering painting your cedar siding, your painter will pre-prime the surface with a stain-blocking primer on all six sides and then top-coat with acrylic latex paint. A professional exterior painting contractor can select the best paint options for your project that guarantees a longer-lasting performance.
How to Apply Paint?
Your exterior painting contractor uses all kinds of tools and equipment including a brush, a sprayer, and a roller. Cedar is a porous wood hence it requires applying more paint to the surface so that it may soak into the wood. Most competent painters will apply the paint with a hand brush to fill up any pore or gap. Cedar siding paint job can be time-consuming and overwhelming, but when done correctly, it enhances your building’s natural beauty.
Does Weather Affect Cedar Siding Paint Job?
Yes, exposure to the elements can damage your cedar. If you reside in an area with dry weather, it will significantly impact your cedar siding paint job, resulting in cracks or flakes. Sun damage makes your cedar siding deteriorate and turn gray. Thankfully, there is a way around it. Ensure your cedar siding is well prepared and coated with high-quality paint.
Make the most of your cedar siding paint job by outsourcing to a reliable exterior painting contractor.